  • Post:Marie Raeann
  • Sept 23, 2020
  • Read 219
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Using Stata Effectively: Data Management, Analysis, And Graphics Fundamentals

Stata is a statistical software that is designed to manage, analyze, and produce graphical data visualization. It is used by researchers in diverse fields including biomedicine, economics, and political science for examining data patterns. It is an intuitive software that contains a command-line and graphical user interface. In this article, we will help you to understand how Stata can be used effectively in data management, data analysis, and graphics.

Data Management

It is the process of organizing, storing, ingesting, and maintaining data created and collected by a company. Stata conducts effective data management by using tools to run the application and offer analytical information designed for strategic planning and decision making useful for business managers and corporate executives.

Data Analysis

It is described as a process of modeling, transforming, and cleaning data to get useful information used for decision-making. Stata is a user-friendly software that is useful for data analysis. Stata will help you do various things such as summarizing data, conducting statistical tests. It will make use of fit models, diagnostics, and post estimation. It will help you to declare data using survey data, survival analysis, and time series.

Graphics Fundamentals

When an individual issue a graphics command, Stata will always display the command in a separate graph window with a toolbar and menus. If the individual decides to issue a different graphics command, the first graph will always be replaced by a different one. Stata offers excellent graphic facilities which are accessible through graph command. The most common graphs are the x-y plots and will always have points or lines. They are available in Stata through the two-way subcommand that comes in many plot types with the most important one being scatter and line.

Stata is a useful software, if you have not learnt how to use it, you are missing a lot. You can use it to make sense of data management, data analysis, and graphics.


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